35 weeks! |
and 36! |
what’s new with baby: olivia is now about 6 pounds and 18 and 1/2 inches long. she's shedding her downy hair coating and the waxy substance that's been protecting her in the amniotic fluid all this time! sounds to me like she's about ready to come out! she was head down at my 36 week check-up but there were no other indications that she's ready to meet the world.
what’s new with mom: mom is exhausted and emotional. this week has been stressful and i'm getting more uncomfortable and my ankles have started to swell this week. boo. in addition to being super pregnant, i started a new job this week! i hadn't mentioned it before, but yes, i've started training for a new PRN therapist job. the timing of all of this has been very stressful for me, but i felt like god was telling me to take a leap of faith and move forward with this opportunity. and the fact that it's PRN means i'll be able to be home a lot and work a little once olivia is here, until i feel ready to try to get promoted to full time (3 days a week at this job!) or look for something else. so yeah, with a new job comes lots of training... and i've just been pooped.
wardrobe: i should just delete this.
cravings: all things indian and international. super excited about my upcoming bday dinner - thai! yummy!
anything hard? just being exhausted with this whole job thing. and the fat ankles are stressing me. and being in crazy nesting mode so i can hardly relax. (at least i'm productive though!) and sleeping horribly because my back hurts so bad. and the resulting headaches from the back aches. i guess that's all.
best moment(s) of the week: hmm... well on the 16th we had maternity pictures done by our friend wayne. unfortunately the weather was quite terrible and josh was super tired, but we definitely got some good pictures! i'll do a separate post of my favorites once i get the CD. and this past saturday i hosted a "pinterest project party" for some friends here. i worked on pillow cases for a friend, made the back of olivia's quilt (anyone want to come crawl around on the floor with me to pin it together!?), and worked on a painting for olivia's room. briana made olivia an adorable headband (and a couple for fiona, of course!) and other friends made scarves, coasters, and magnets. it was definitely a fun girl day! i know days like that will be more difficult with a little one so it was nice to do it with just a few weeks to go! but i'm definitely getting super excited and super ready to meet olivia! just a few things to finish in the nursery and then i'll have to do a "nursery tour" post!