i feel like mom was looking rough this morning! |
what’s new with baby: head to rump, baby p is now about 5 1/2 inches long and weighs in at a whopping 7 ounces! he or she is busy flexing his or her arms and legs!
what’s new with mom: mom is doing good and feeling more pregnant every day! i feel like my belly is pooching out more but looking back through the pictures it looks like change is happening quite slowly! i've yet to have anyone i don't know ask if i was pregnant, which most people don't do anyway but i'm thinking some of my clients are suspicious! anyway, as i sit here my lower back is killing me but i'm feeling pretty good overall. still hungry and tired. what's new?
wardrobe: i'm in maternity pants and i'm not looking back! (of course my pajama and loungy pants still fit fine.) we'll see how long my tops last!
cravings: nothing too crazy. one night i really wanted mexican food so we went out for that. baby p HATED mexican for quite a while but now it seems that they've made up so that makes me happy! and i discovered a new mexican restaurant a couple weeks ago which is quite delicious so we went there. i've been wanting pie since the last episode of The Office but that has not happened yet.
anything hard? well work was super hard this week but that has nothing to do with being pregnant. although i might be more emotional about work because of baby p. i cried when i left on monday and josh brought me home flowers that night. :) and that was just monday! i'm getting more and more excited to find out what we're having on the 30th! i can now check the whether for our gender reveal party on the 10 day forecast! eek! i'm also getting anxious to feel baby p move more. i feel some strange little flutters and popping, but i want a real KICK! but i know it's still early and i'm trusting that everything is a-okay!
best moment(s) of the
week: hmm... yesterday we went to a corn maze with our friend sarah and i love any fall time fun! here's a pic of us on the hayride. stay tuned for Halloween costume pics next week!
There's that belly! So exciting!! You look great!