Sunday, October 28, 2012

19 weeks

that belly is starting to stick out! 
what’s new with baby: baby p weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and is about 6 inches long head to bottom! baby p can now hear my voice and his/her sensory development is exploding! 

what’s new with mom: mom is amazed that the half way point of pregnancy is tomorrow! i'm starting to feel more movements so that's exciting. my back's been hurting a lot this weekend but nothing too crazy. and i'm getting more of those "round ligament" or stretching pains again. i gotta make room for the little guy! or girl! 

wardrobe: definitely maternity pants! unfortunately my loungy pants are even starting to feel snug! my shirts are still fine but i'm planning on incorporating more maternity shirts into my wardrobe soon. 

cravings: nothing crazy, but i feel like if i hear about something then i want it! (not steak or anything gross like that!) like my sister mentioned chocolate covered raisins on facebook the other day and i've been wanting them ever since! and josh mentioned penn station and i craved their artichoke sub until i had it! 

anything hard? can i just whine for a second and say that the weather for my reveal party on tuesday is going to be cold and rainy!? that's not really hard but i'm still bummed. on a completely unrelated note it's weird to be around clients and parents and feel very pregnant but not say anything, and they're not saying anything so it's just awkward. soon enough i'm sure it will all be out in the open. 

best moment(s) of the week: well i got my first "when are you due!?" from someone i hadn't talked about being pregnant with this week! that was weird and exciting! josh and i were also linus (him) and the great pumpkin (me) for our friends' halloween party last night. that was pretty fun! being a pumpkin was a perfect halloween costume for a pregnant lady - just wore my maternity leggings and a black shirt with a pumpkin thing over it all - super comfortable! 

20 weeks tomorrow and off to the doctor the day after that! eek!

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