Sunday, October 7, 2012

16 weeks

what’s new with baby: baby p is about the size of an avocado now: 4 1/2 inches long crown to rump and 3 1/2 ounces! so big! baby p is staying busy in there pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day! and baby p is even growing toenails! 

what’s new with mom: mom is tired! this week at work has been crazy and i'm not excited about it being monday already in just a couple hours. i'm also still super hungry but feeling pretty good overall. 

wardrobe: man am i ready to go shopping! i can still wear my regular pants but it's getting to the point of just not being fun anymore! my parents are coming into town later this week and i'm hoping my mom will be up for a little shopping trip - at least for some jeans, bras, and underwear! 

cravings: nothing in particular, but nothing too healthy either unfortunately. cookies, ice cream, and brownies all come to mind. and i just ate a bag of popcorn and i'm still hungry. :( 

anything hard? well being super exhausted is no fun. and feeling like a busted can of biscuits in my pants gets old. but other than that nothing too bad. i'm getting more and more excited to find out if baby p is a he or a she! october 30th can't come quickly enough! i have no idea what i think he/she is. earlier on i thought boy and i'm still leaning that way, but now i'm not so sure! 

best moment(s) of the week: hmm... this week was hard. i did buy the cutest little baby underwear (?) pamper cover thing (?) (what the heck are those called!?) yesterday at this cute little baby store near raleigh. and i got a cute little toy for baby p's cousin paapu. you can read all about paapu (and my awesome sister!) here!

is this not going to be the cutest baby butt newborn pics ever!? 
update 10/8: apparently i am a terrible mother (or i was just really tired when i wrote this last night) because i forgot to mention the doctor appointment we had at the beginning of the week! THAT was the highlight of my week! everything looked great and we got to hear sweet baby p's heartbeat again! it was wonderful! 156 beats per minute! can't wait to SEE (sorta) him/her at the next appointment! 

1 comment:

  1. Would love to go shopping with you. Of course whatever you need me to help do will be fine.
