Thursday, November 8, 2012

20 weeks! - 4 days late!

so i totally failed on the picture this week. normally i try to take it before we leave for church, but this week we were running late. i'll just take it when i get home, i thought. well after church i went shopping with bri (didn't get anything besides shaving cream for josh - just went for support), and then we ended up hanging out at their house until late, so no pic. and then monday i just looked like crap - no need to get dressed up and fix your hair when you got laid off (more about that later) so the picture just never happened. but i did get great pics at our reveal party tuesday night thanks to our friend wayne! thanks wayne! you can check out more of wayne's work here

what’s new with baby: well baby p is a GIRL for one thing! so exciting! 

baby girl weighed 10 ounces at our ultrasound on tuesday! and the tech said that she would be doubling her weight within the next couple weeks! (no wonder i'm so hungry!) baby girl is also about the length of a banana now. everything looked great development wise - everything was measuring good and we got to see her little heart beating 155 beats per minute! even though the anticipation to find out what she was was killing me, it was SO WONDERFUL to see our healthy little baby there on the screen, squirming around and doing exactly what she was supposed to be doing. 

i'm already in love with her little profile!
what’s new with mom: well besides hungry, i've been feeling good. i did get laid off from my job the day after we had our ultrasound and found out baby girl is a girl, so week 20 was definitely an emotional roller coaster! total elation to total shock and disappointment in a matter of 18 hours! but i've been trying to stay positive and just focus on the fact that i have a healthy baby girl to love and plan for. speaking of planning, i went into nursery planning mode almost immediately and i'm so excited about some of the ideas i have floating around in my head! right now they are still just ideas as the only thing we have in the nursery is still the chair and a futon, but still. we were going to order a crib a couple weeks ago, but at this point i think i'll just wait until black friday and see if i can get a deal! (losing your job also dampens the whole spending-lots-of-money-on-the-nursery thing!) 

wardrobe: nothing new to report here, still wearing my maternity pants and regular tops. of course my tops are getting snug and i love the couple maternity ones i have, but i'm holding off to buy more until they're more necessary (or marked down on black friday, please target). and briana is about to POP so she'll gradually be passing her maternity clothes to me as she's done with them because she's awesome like that! :) 

cravings: food in general, i'd say. still no meat or burgers, baby girl's not into that. :) although that would probably be better than wanting than the carbs and sweets i do want (besides the whole pescatarian thing!). 

anything hard? besides staying full, nothing baby related. i'm so excited to be expecting a healthy baby girl! the whole job thing really stinks, and i may have thrown a little tantrum the other day about having to job hunt when i just went through the whole process back in june. just finding jobs that sound appealing and that i'm qualified for... then those applications are so tedious and annoying... and then not hearing back from most people... ugh. but fortunately i do have an interview tomorrow! i'm nervous about the whole interviewing while pregnant thing. i think my plan is to try to not look pregnant. i definitely am pregnant and proud of it, but the average stranger isn't saying anything to me and they're not allowed to ask in an interview. we'll see how it goes! 

best moment(s) of the week: well this is easy! getting to see our healthy baby and finding out that we weren't having a hermaphrodite was awesome! (i seriously had a long and involved dream the night before the appointment that we were having a hermaphrodite! and for whatever reason we still decided to do the balloon reveal, i guess because it was already planned, so we opened the box in front of all our friends and the balloons were yellow and we just stood there crying. everyone was in shock and we had to explain that our baby was a hermaphrodite but we were going to love it anyway. ugh.) anyway, the ultrasound and news of a healthy boy OR girl was awesome! and then of course the reveal party was GREAT! it was so exciting to find out and celebrate with all of our friends here locally. (my parents got to watch on skype!) and the pictures wayne took were so great i don't think people who weren't there in person really felt like they missed much! here are a few of my favorites...

so excited!!!

the initial reaction! 


realizing it's PINK!

showing off the ultrasound pics! 

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