Sunday, September 23, 2012

14 weeks

a real maternity pic w/ my tripod & timer!
(yes i'm wearing the same outfit i did last saturday. i need to go shopping.) 

what’s new with baby: baby p can now make all sorts of facial expressions, pee, and maybe even suck his or her itty bitty thumb! baby p is about 3 1/2 inches long and weighs 1 1/2 ounces, about the size of a lemon! baby is also developing its lanugo, or baby fuzz. 

what’s new with mom: well, i'm still pretty tired, and i'm not sleeping great! i am sleeping, i just never really feel rested. and i've started to have some acid reflux so i'm trying to sleep on two pillows, which does help but then my neck hurts. i've also had some minor cramping and back aches throughout the week. i feel like all of my complaints are pretty minor though, nothing too bad.  

wardrobe: still working the belly band and the hair tie trick when i wear my jeans. i feel like i'm not nearly big enough for maternity clothes, but i am thinking about them more. they just look so comfortable in comparison to my pants that i can't zip all the way up with the belly band stretched over them. sigh. 

cravings: me and briana (my friend here that's due in november) may have driven to the grocery store last night around 9 for some reese cups. seriously. but i only ate 2. they just sounded so good! i've been eating lots of asian food - thai, chinese, etc. my co-workers were teasing me that my baby is going to come out making karate chop motions. it's just a nice vegetarian option i think! 

anything hard? well, yesterday i had one of those pregnant woman melt downs, which luckily hasn't happened too often at all. i had a dream that i was pumping but instead of the milk going down the tubes and into the bottles it was just splashing up in my face and going everywhere. of course i was crying in my dream. and then i woke up and i felt like my house looked like crap and i was behind on laundry, and milo puked so while i cleaned it up my breakfast got cold, and then by the time i sat down to eat i just started crying. seriously i think my biggest stressor lately has been my house. i want to be able to use my office but i just walk in there, look around, and walk out. it's a mess and i'm totally overwhelmed. i wish my mom could just come over for a day - i know we'd get it all organized in no time. that's not really baby related other than i'm just more exhausted and i don't have the energy to work on it. and i can't move around the heavy boxes too easily. 

best moment(s) of the week: nothing too exciting this week. i got together with some other north carolina art therapists yesterday in raleigh and they were all super excited for me. and i'm starting to show more so that's fun. i also got to catch up with a friend who just had her baby a week ago the other day so that was nice. and briana is always filling me in on what's to come. it's fun having friends who are going through this the same time as you (my sister included!). 


  1. Love seeing the picture of you. I will be there in a couple of weeks and we will get the house together. Sorry that you are stressed. YOu look great.

  2. Love the blog format--should cover all the important stuff over the coming months! Two notes: 1)I lived in gauchos when I was pregnant--they were the comfiest pants, and what if they're not so much in style anymore--I give you permission to choose comfort over style! 2)Keep it up on those stairs! I was walking the 3 flights of stairs at work up until the day I delivered. It sucked and I was a super-creepy heavy-breather by the time I'd get to my floor, but it was about all the exercise this preggo ever got! Not that you have much choice, but I'm saying I have faith that you can do it. (And if nothing else, you can stop halfway and eat a Reeses cup when you need to!) :)

  3. Shoot! I meant to leave that comment on the previous post. Well, goes to show I'm out of practice on the whole blogging thing! ;) ANYWAY, the comment I MEANT to leave here, is that pregnancy dreams are crazy! When I was 5 months pregnant, I dreamed that I gave birth to a kitten instead of a baby, and its number was called during a church service, so I had to go get the kitten from the nursery and feed it. That's right, in my dream I was nursing a kitten. So weird. Your dream made me laugh out loud though. Sorry it made you cry. :( I wish I could tell you I never got milk all over myself when I was pumping,
