Thursday, September 13, 2012

pregnancy diaries: weeks 10 - 12

written 9/9

well the good news is that we survived moving! our house is still a bit of a hot mess but it is coming along nicely. baby p has some amazing "aunts" and "uncles" here in greensboro that were ready and willing to help us move all of our stuff up THREE flights of stairs! (we didn't know we were moving to the third floor until the night before we moved - i'm still getting over my shock.) thanks friends!

besides fretting over carrying a baby and all of his or her stuff up and down three flights of stairs, the pregnancy seems to be progressing pretty well. i've had more cramping this week but my friend angie assured me that it's normal "round ligament pain" as you get into your second trimester. it can be triggered by exercise - which i've been getting a lot of with all this moving business. so i've been trying to take it easy and not push myself, which is no easy task for this i-want-it-all-done-now type of woman. i'm working on it.

minus the cramping, i've been feeling good minus the yearly sinus yuck i've had on and off for a few weeks. i've still had some nausea but i think it's definitely easing up. yay! i'm still exhausted but that's pretty normal for me even when i'm not pregnant. i also haven't had any crazy cravings lately. i've been wanting cheddar's onion rings for weeks but that's not that unusual since josh and i have to plan a 2 and 1/2 hour trip to roanoke for that to happen and it's a special thing (unlike when we lived in indiana and went there at least once a week).

the best part about these few weeks was definitely getting to hear baby p's heart beat on august 29th. it took the doctor a minute or so to find it (so of course i started to freak out!) but when she did it was the most wonderful sound i had ever heard in my life. the heartbeat was 169 bpm! crazy fast! she said everything looked great! we go back october 1st and then october 30th to find out what we're having!!!

i promise to get better about the whole belly shot thing. josh is terrible photographer so i think i'm going to have to get out the tripod and play with the timer on my camera. those self-in-the-mirror shots are just never flattering on me. i think i'm definitely starting to look more pregnant and my pants don't fit that great even with the beband (which is still a godsend). i'm also anticipating a new "pregnancies diaries update format" in an effort to keep myself from endless rambling. tune in next week to see if there's any improvement. :)


baby p,
thank you so much for putting up with me while i've been moving stuff around endlessly. i really do hope you have a happy, stress-free home in there. it's so exciting to talk about "the baby's room" as we've been moving in. i'm trying to not put too much stuff in your closet, but i think you will definitely have to share it with the christmas decorations due to the limited storage in our new place. don't worry, it's a big closet. i'm already so excited about meeting you. i love you so much and i pray that you are healthy and happy all the time. i also pray that i will be a good mom to you. thanks for the being the blessing that you are.
love, mommy


  1. So glad you're keeping up with this! And yes--get those belly pics going! We definitely had to drag out the tripod every single month and take SEVERAL shots before getting a decent one with Jason as photographer!

    Love this & love you!

  2. Love reading the update, can't wait to see the pics.
